Getting Rid of Allotment Waste Some Dos and Don'ts

Plot holders are responsible for keeping their plots tidy and disposing of waste and rubbish.
Fires and fly tipping are banned and could mean eviction or even prosecution. Carpets should not be brought to the site.
Just about all green waste can be composted as long as it's cut up small enough and left long enough. Nasty weed roots like cutch grass and dandelions should be left in the sun for a few days to die.
Bessemer Close Recycling Centre will take carpets, green waste, hard plastic, rubble, wood, scrap metal, sheet glass, sofas, armchairs and polystyrene. Lamby Way will also take UPVC window frames and tyres. Cardiff residents are allowed 26 free visits a year. Book online at
Non recyclable rubbish like soft plastic and packaging should be taken home and put in your black bin.
If you need to get rid of asbestos sheeting then email We have a special arrangement with the city council to remove this.
Last of all, think about what you bring to the site!
One day someone will have to get rid of it!