Bee Friendly Accreditation

Bee Friendly Accreditation
FOOD - Provide pollinator friendly food sources in your area
Progress to date:
Planted bee friendly plants and encourage others to do the same. Provided information about suggested plants. Consideration given to the committee about strimming ‘wild’ areas. A designated plot for a ‘wild’ area has been identified. Encourage the creation of small ponds Actions 2023-24:
Continue to encourage the planting of bee friendly plants and provide information. Continue to liaise with the committee about consideration given to strimming ‘wild’ areas. Continue to encourage the creation of small ponds or “wet” areas, to provide opportunities for bees to take on water, salts, and nutrients. Discuss the future development of the plot identified as a ‘wild area.’
Ensure the bee project is a regular committee meeting item. Post minutes on the Leckwith Droves website. Use the Leckwith Droves Facebook account to post information re the creation re. the creation of small pond/bee friendly planting e.g. Facebook posts of ‘how to create and mini pond’ from the wildlife trust April 2023 and ‘how to make a bog garden’, from the Wildlife Trust May 2023.ThUse the notice board to post information
FIVE STAR ACCOMMODATION - Giving places for insect pollinators to live
Progress to date:
A number 0f Mason, Leafcutter and solitary bee houses have been purchased and will be distributed across the allotment site. Allotment holders have been encouraged to build log piles. Information provided on creating ‘accommodation’ for bees.
Actions 2023-24
Purchase four high quality Solitary Bee houses with kapok nesting material and 20 Mason/Leafcutter Bee houses. Distribute and install these across the allotment site and record their position. Continue to encourage the creation of log piles (with drilled holes) to provide accommodation for Mason and Leafcutter bees.
Houses purchased April 2023. These will be distributed, and their location recorded. Houses revisited in Autumn 2023 and the number being used recorded. The information collected will be presented to the committee and distributed via the minutes posted to the website. Use the allotment Facebook account to post information re. the creation of log piles e.g. post of ‘How to create a wildlife logpile’ Sage April 2023. Facebook post of a photo of a log pile on the site, April 2023
FREEDOM (FROM PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES) - Avoiding chemicals that harm pollinator
Progress to date:
The committee has undertaken not to stock pesticides and herbicides in the site shop. The committee has encouraged others not to use pesticides and herbicides on the site, as well as being committed to not using them in communal areas.
Actions 2023-24
The committee with continue not to stock pesticides and herbicides in the site shop, as well as remaining committed to not using them in communal areas. They will continue to encourage others not to use pesticides and herbicides on the site
The committee will make an annual commitment not to stock pesticides and herbicides in the site shop, as well as a committed to not using them in communal areas unless absolutely necessary e.g. identifying the presence of knotweed.
This commitment will be reported to allotment holders via the allotment’s website. It will also be noted in the committee meeting minutes.
Progress to date:
The committee fully supported, facilitated, and encouraged the establishment of the Effro (a project from Platorm) Beekeeping project. This is an exciting initiative helping people with dementia to become involved in beekeeping. The Project now has three established hives and has produced honey, some of which we sell, on their behalf, through the allotment shop (£285 to date).
Actions 2023-24
The committee will continue to support the Effro Beekeeping project and sell honey produced by the project through the allotment shop. A fun educational activity to be discussed and organised by the committee for summer 2023. Discuss taking part in, and organising, a POMS FIT count
The work of the Effro project to be disseminated via the site Facebook page e.g. Facebook posting of Effro Beekeeping Project information and details of honey sold, April 2023. The planned community activities to be publicised through the Facebook Group, website and notice board. Photographs of the activity to be published via social media etc
FUTURE - What commitments are you making for future years?
The committee is fully committed to continue the project.
Actions 2023-24
Include the ‘Bee Project’ as a regular Committee item. Grow the number of people involved through a range of activities and information distribution.
Purchase/develop high quality bee housing. Encourage pond/log pile creation. Maintain a commitment to not use herbicides and insecticides. Continue to support the Effro Bee Project however possible. Make a community ‘bee’ activity an annual event. Report on the success of purchased bee housing.